Personal Growth &
Parenting Support

Personal Growth &
Parenting Support

Struggling to be the mom you want to be?
(You are not alone!)

This is the place for you if:

You want to stop yelling but are struggling to do so.
You are working to create healthier family dynamics than those from your childhood.
You practice positive parenting but need support to apply it to the daily challenges.
You feel so much anger but don't know why.
You want to be able to help your child manage their emotions better.
You are tired of feeling mom-guilt.
You want to learn better ways to handle your triggers
You want to authentically enjoy your parenting journey.
8-weeks of support with a licensed professional and a small group of other growth-minded mamas:

Tuesdays, 7:15-8:35PM

March 15 - May 10
(No class April 12th)
Location: New Mom School
2675 Irvine Ave, Suite 114
Costa Mesa, CA

Wednesdays, 7:30-8:50PM

March 16 - May 11

Class will be held via Zoom, and will be recorded.
(No class April 13th)

Here is what we do in Evolving Mothers:
Create Awareness
The first step toward change is to create awareness around what is currently happening in your home and within yourself. There is no judgement or shame! We are simply looking for what's working and what isn't.
Develop Clarity
Next,  you need to know where you are headed. You will get clear about what values and character traits are important to you, and learn how to use those to answer the question, "What do I do when...?"
Acquire Tools
Motherhood is complicated and full of big emotions! You will learn research-based tools that will train your brain to stay calm in moments of stress. The best part is that you can teach these tools to your kids as well!
Keira Merkovsky, LCSW
We all imagine how we want to be as a mom, but our angry reactions to the day-to-day stressors of motherhood just aren't matching with that picture in our minds.

We start each day promising ourselves we're going to be patient and positive. We tell ourselves we will manage messes, moderate meltdowns, and break up sibling bickering sessions with patience and grace.

But when we find ourselves kindly and calmly repeating simple requests a hundred times, only to be ignored or receive pushback, we lose it.

That idea of who we want to be completely disappears and angry mommy takes over.

After yelling, demanding, threatening and bribing is over, we see our hurting child with fear all over their face. 

Then the guilt and shame set in.


It is so painful to repeat this cycle again and again and not know how to get out of it.

The good news is that breaking the cycle is absolutely possible!

You are not the only one who struggles, and you can join the many moms who have gone before you and made the changes that allowed them to reduce their anger and really enjoy their time with their children (including me!).
Have questions? We've got answers!

The next round of in-person groups will be offered on Tuesday evenings from 7:15-8:35PM PST at The New Mom School in Costa Mesa, California, beginning March 15th, 2022 and going until May 10th, with no class on April 12th. Online groups will take place on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:50PM PST, beginning March 16th and going until May 11th, with no class on April 12th.

Great question! You will be in a group of no more than 10 moms who are all on the same path toward less yelling and more joy in parenting. The group meets at the same time every week, for eight weeks. We meet for an hour and twenty minutes, and will have a topic we focus on. Everyone who wants to will have a chance to share and get feedback on that topic, or on whatever they are needing to talk about at that time. Some people don't want to share, and that's okay! Everyone learns and grows from listening to each other's experiences.

The goal of Evolving Mothers is to creating self-awareness and become clear about the values and character traits that are important to you and your family. We explore ways we can manage our thoughts and reactions so that we are authentically modeling those things for our children. We also dig into the latest brain science in order to understand what is happening within us and our children when we have meltdowns or emotional explosions. We learn tools to help manage big emotions that you can implement right away, and teach to your children. We look at old stories from our childhoods that are keeping us stuck, and how to move away from them. We learn self-soothing exercises that are benefical for the whole family, and easy to use.

If, by the end of the second session, you don't think it's a fit for you, or you just don't want to continue, you can get a full refund. Refunds, partial or full, are not available if you choose to attend the third session and beyond.
